Friday, January 16, 2015


PROJECT SUMMARY: The GalleryVirtuality Project is an Open Source creator community of users and developers co-creating GalleryVirtuality, a "Neutral Zone" virtual environment using the Quake III Game Engine that simulates a modern art gallery. The gallery space can be used by artists to show work in a virtual environment familiar to patrons of the arts. The viewer can wander through the rooms, look at the art, get information about the art and artist, with no time limit or distractions. A music track may be added for ambiance. The code is greatly simplified which makes it a useful tool for viewing maps and features in the design phase at one's leisure. The simplified code environment also can help students of gaming design or the visual arts learn basic coding skills and to simulate how art might express in a physical environment.


The GalleryVirtuality Project plowed through the winter holidays adding functionality and some community assets. Bret Colin Sheppard, Code Guru, is working on taking two ends to make a middle. He is determined to create a much simpler interface for artists who want to participate in the project. The working goal of the BETA (SUMMER 2015!) is to have "the average artist" who also uses a computer regularly, to be able to use some kind of interface where they can choose a pre-set gallery style, upload standard-sized art files to pre-set locations in the various rooms, upload an MP3 for "ambiance" music and then the gallery is rendered into the 3-D environment. Artists who are also code-monkeys are welcome to either contribute to this goal, add more features, or take the Open Source concept into mind-bendingly alternative ideas.

On the Community side, Karen Christine Patrick the "Cruise Director" has created several supporting assets for what we hope will be the Brain Trust of the GVP. Says Patrick, "We are welcoming interested artists who want to learn to code, coders who are artists or like the idea of the designing Neutral Zone we got going. Hoping we can widen the community much further in the future.  


Code Vault:

G+ Community:

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